



1,Some people develop skin rashes when they take sulfas. 有些人服用磺胺藥物後會出現皮疹。

2,If one is discovered to have developed high blood-pressure or heart-disease, he is immediately transferred to light work. 如果發現誰得了高血壓或心臟病,就立即調去做較輕鬆的工作。

3,Lung fever develops from flu. 肺炎是由流行性感冒引起的。

4,She developed symptoms of consumption. 她顯示了肺結核的症狀。

5,He developed a cough. 他開始咳嗽起來。


6,The bud developed into a blossom. 花蕾開出了鮮花。

7,Land animals are believed to have developed from sea animals. 陸地動物被認為是由海洋動物進化而來的。

8,Warm rains and summer suns develop the plants. 和暖的雨水和夏日的陽光促使植物生長。

9,The fetus develops lungs relatively late in the gestation period. 在妊娠期胎兒的肺生長得相對慢些。

10,An example is the fine strain of rice we have developed. 我們培育出的優良品種就是一例。

11,Sure enough, 80 percent of the plants developed the disease. 果然,80%的'莊稼都染上了這種病。

12,A chicken develops in the egg. 雞在蛋中發育。


13,The photographers developed the film by treating it with chemicals. 攝影師用化學藥劑使底片顯影。

14,He was in the dark room developing his films. 他在暗室洗相片。

15,This type of film develops in twenty minutes. 沖洗此類軟片需要20分鐘。


在科技文章中,除經常譯成“研製、發展、開發、設計”等外,還可以譯成: 16,Another American, Henry Ford, developed the idea of the assembly line. 另一個名叫亨利·福特的美國人萌發了裝配線的主意。

17,A series of volcanic eruptions developed along the fault. 一系列的火山爆發正在斷層帶醖釀。

此外,develop一詞有時可不必譯出。如 a motor that develops 100 h.p. 一台100馬力的發動機。