
2017-08-25 2.15W views


經濟指標economic indicators

社會總產值total product of society

國民生產總值GNP (Gross Domestic Product)

國內生產總值GDP (Gross Domestic Product)

人均國內生產總值GDP per capita

農業總產值gross output value of industry and agriculture

國民收入national income

購買力平價法purchasing power parity

財政收入state revenue

社會商品零售總額total volume of retail sales

社會零售物價總指數general retail price index

百分點percentage points

"八五"劃劃the 8th Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development

計劃經濟planned economy

統購統銷state monopoly over purchase and marketing

市場經濟market economy

指令性計劃mandatory plan

指導性計劃guidance plan

市場調節market regulation

建立市場經濟、法制、民主監督和廉政"三個機制"establish operational mechanisms of market economy, rule by law, democratic supervision and incorruptible government

抓好農業、交通能源、教育科技"三個基礎"stress priorities over agriculture, transportation and energy supply, education and science and technology

實現產業結構、生態環境和人口素質"三個優化"optimize industrial structure, ecological environment and the quality of population

第一、二、三產業primary, secondary and tertiary industries

外向型經濟export-oriented economy

創匯型企業foreign exchange-earning enterprise

勞動密集型labor intensive

技術、智力、資本密集型technology, knowledge or capital intensive

高附加值的深加工down-stream processing with high added-value

優化資源配置optimize allocation of resources

生產力productive forces

生產資料capital goods

科研成果產業化industrialization of research findings

火炬計劃Torch Plan

技術入股technology appraised as capital stock

風險投資venture investment/capital

固定資產投資investment in fixed assets